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July 29, 2012


Jennifer Chandler Nesbitt

These are beautiful photos of Belmont, one of my favorite places in the world! Thanks for posting.

Jaybird's Jottings

Thanks Jennifer, glad you liked them.

How did you get interested in Belmont?

Jennifer Chandler Nesbitt

I grew up in Elkridge, and started working there when I was 16 (first job.) I worked there through college during summer and winter breaks, and even for a few years following college, in the kitchen, housekeeping, and administrative departments. I believe I could have kept working there forever, but I "had" to move to the Eastern Shore. It is a very, very special place! Everyone I know who has worked there feels the same way.

Jaybird's Jottings

I remember the serenity there, the tall majestic trees.

Eastern Shore is nice to visit. We went to St Michaels and enjoyed it, even beyond the touristy stuff. We also enjoyed Chestertown and its history.

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