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September 01, 2017



The Historic Route 1 signs were installed after the General Assembly designated all of U.S. 1 Historic Route 1 in the 2010 Session.

Chesterfield County requested the designation as part of an economic development/rebranding project they planned. I saw the bill and asked Governor McDonnell to extend it to the entire road and not just the Chesterfield County portion of U.S. 1. He agreed that that's how it happened.

The signs were put up by VDOT - not local government or anyone else.

At the time, it was my hope that Fairfax, Prince William and other jurisdictions up and down the road would embrace, collaborate, and co-market their historic assets to improve awareness of the highway and help with it's redevelopment.

That hasn't seemed to have happened yet.

Jaybird's Jottings


Thanks for all the work you do!


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